You will find an overview of eligible Humboldt Reloaded Seminars on the right side of the following link:


The grade will be reported to the examination office by the chair which offers the Humboldt Reloaded Seminar.

In order to receive a recommendation, you must have attended a lecture of our chair. For a letter of recommendation please contact Ms Sibylle Wolf (sibylle.wolf@uni-hohenheim.de) at least three weeks in advance and attach the following documents:

  1. Current CV
  2. Letter of motivation for the programme or scholarship you are applying for
  3. Current transcript of records or degree certificate

In order to write a Bachelor thesis at our Chair, you have to be assigned through the KVS-System. Afterwards, you will receive further information from the assigned chair.

Rearding Master theses, IBE-students and students from other programs (except for HMM) have to register mandatorily for a thesis during the registration period. HMM-Master students are assigned centrally. Further information for the assignment procedure and registration links for master students can be found here and for bachelor students here.

The registration links will be provided in the news area. Generally, the registration takes place during lecture-free times, e.g. for the summer semester in February/March and for the winter semester in August/September.

Examples of some exams will be provided on Ilias.

No, the dates are given by the Examination office.

Selected literature will be available on Ilias. For some lectures the literature is available as a reader and can be purchased at the script office.

For the centrally organized exams you have to register by using the Studium Online Portal

Yes, they will be provided by the respective assistant in a special download area.

They can be purchased in the Asta-Script office.

The passwords for the Ilias-groups are provided in the beginning of the respective lectures.

Exam solutions will not be provided.